Burn Fat OFF!


Have you heard of interval training?

It’s one of my favorite types of workouts because it can be brief, be fun and you can be done!!!

Alternating bursts of a challenging exercise with a short recovery will get you fit in a flash because:

1. It will boost your metabolism for up to a whopping 24 hours
2. You’re more likely to workout if you know it will be done and over with in no time
3. Women who did 20 minute interval workouts 3x a week lost more weight than women who worked at for 40 minutes doing steady state exercise in a 15 week period.
4. You’ll be happier because intervals perk the mood
5. Less of a time commitment
6. It makes all your other activity feel easier because you will build up your VO2 max by at least 10%


About anitakellam

Wife-Mom-Health Care Provider-Fitness Junky- Gluten/Dairy Free Foody, Aspiring Techno Geek My name Dr. Anita Kellam, DNP, FNP-C. I am a board certified Family Nurse Practitioner and maintain a practice in rural Montana. When I was a kid I was a competitive swimmer and even swam at the master's level until I had my first child. I have spent the past 15 years pursuing my professional degrees, raising 3 children and devoting myself to my family. Over the years I saw the pounds slowly creeping up. Once I completed my doctoral degree I made the decision to improve my health and fitness. Beachbody has provided excellent tools that helped me turn my house into a gym. It has been an amazing resource to help me achieve my goals and I am addicted to the products. I would love to help others on their journey to be in the best shape of their lives no matter what age or fitness level. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or like me on my webpage www.anitakellam.com.

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