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Get fitness results in 21 days

What if I told you that you could get fit without giving up wine and chocolate or your money back?  Click here

I have done several rounds of 21 Day Fix as well as 21 Day Fix Extreme and LOVE it. The workout is only 30 minutes and easy to fit into my schedule. The meal plan and tracking tools are by far my favorite!

Burn Fat OFF!


Have you heard of interval training?

It’s one of my favorite types of workouts because it can be brief, be fun and you can be done!!!

Alternating bursts of a challenging exercise with a short recovery will get you fit in a flash because:

1. It will boost your metabolism for up to a whopping 24 hours
2. You’re more likely to workout if you know it will be done and over with in no time
3. Women who did 20 minute interval workouts 3x a week lost more weight than women who worked at for 40 minutes doing steady state exercise in a 15 week period.
4. You’ll be happier because intervals perk the mood
5. Less of a time commitment
6. It makes all your other activity feel easier because you will build up your VO2 max by at least 10%


Paleo Mug Brownie


This is my favorite treat after a long day at work!!

Paleo Mug Brownie

1/4 cup Almond Flour
1/8-1/4 cup Coconut Sugar
2 TB chocolate shakeology
Pinch of salt
2 TB of beaten egg
2 TB of coconut milk, coffee, or water

Stir together your almond flour, coconut sugar, shakeology and a pinch of salt in a mug.

Stir in the egg and milk or coffee.

Stir it all together until you have a thick, chocolate paste.

Microwave it for a minute. If you have a really powerful microwave you may want to check after 30 seconds. It’s done when it is puffed up and springy to the touch…but you still want it a little gooey – like a good brownie should be!

This makes one mug. You can eat it all yourself or you can share it! I was nice and shared it….this time!

***Don’t have coconut sugar???

Use 2 TB of honey or maple syrup and ONLY 1 TB of milk/coffee!!! ***

Are you stuck in a plateau?


Are you stuck in a weight loss or fitness plateau?

Plateaus are natural… The human body is incredibly adaptive, and this is why I preach to change things up. Changing your routine continually challenges your body, which keeps your body guessing; and therefore keeps you on track to continuing your weight loss.

Typically a plateau lasts anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks. It’s your body adjusting to what’s occurring. Remember the closer you get to your goal weight, the more your body will plateau. However, I want you to focus on how your body feels! Not just the scale. The scale sometimes does not reflect the transformation that’s occurring. Though plateaus are important to pay attention to, they should not stop you in your tracks. There are lots of great approaches to plateaus, which I share with you in my challenge groups.

Get your Spring Spark Back!


Have those New Year’s resolutions taken a back seat? Do you need a little kick in the tush to get motivated again? Join my latest challenge group to help get your Spring Spark back.

If you have a coach already please check with them to see if they are offering a challenge group. FYI: You will get motivation, accountability, support from other participants, recipes, meal plan, complete nutrition and a workout program. A purchase is required so that you have all the tools you need to be successful.

Click on the link below for to apply:

You can also go to and click join and join for free so we are linked together. I can’t wait to hear from you. Message me so we can connect.

Who is ready for summer?


Tank tops, swim suits, shorts….Warmer weather and longer days!!! . I am! Mentally we may be ready but how about physically???

Here are some easy to follow tips for a flatter tummy that will be begging to be shown off this summer:

1. Color your plate – colorful food (naturally not artificially!)
2. Avoid stress
3. Have good posture
4. Do 20 minutes of cardio at least 5 times a week
5. Drink a glass of water before eating
6. Eat fruits and veggies
7. Limit sweets to a rare treat
8. Drink only 1-2 alcoholic drinks a week (monthly is even better)
9. No more than 1 tsp himalayan salt a day
10. Skip the soda (even diet)
11. Cut down on fast food
12. Get enough sleep
13. Eat fiber
14. Don’t starve yourself
15. Know your proper serving sizes
16. Eat slowly
17. Take the stairs
18. Work your core
19. Work and strength train other parts, too!
20. If you can’t read eat, don’t eat it.
21. Try intermittent fasting

My Intermittent Fasting Journey: Time to Fess Up!


Have you ever heard of a style of eating called intermittent fasting? I first heard of it in the fall of 2014 when I listened to a podcast and was really intrigued by the concept. It’s not a “diet” but rather a style of eating. Personally, I try to always tweak what I’m doing to keep from getting bored and had gotten to a place in my fitness routine where I just felt stuck. There was a bit of flab on my hips that wouldn’t go away no matter how I exercised or switched up my diet. Then, I read a book that talked about how misled we are by the food pyramid and the metabolism myth. So, I thought “what the heck I might as well try this.”I have to admit that I bought into the eating every 2-3 hours to maintain my metabolism hype and frequently regurgitated it to my patients and people I coached. Then, I started to actually educate myself and do a bit of research.

Intermittent fasting just makes sense to me because it allows your body to burn fat for energy instead of glucose. Think about it critically. If we are always putting food into our mouths we train our bodies to need that food for energy and burn sugar to function instead of fat. If we don’t continue the food fest we will often get crabby, jittery, feel like our blood sugar has dropped and get down right HANGRY! Personally, that wasn’t a pretty sight.

There’s no strict meal plan to follow you just need to pick a window of time where you will eat. For, me I eat between 12 pm and 8 pm daily. But, other people eat in a 6 or 4 hour window.
A recent study highlighted by the New York Times has helped debunk that myth of eating every 2 hours. They found that increased meal frequency does not improve weight loss.

I have to admit that when I decided to try this out in February of 2015 I was afraid that I would feel hungry and hate every minute of it. But, so far everything is going well. I have been able to reduce my exercise to 30 minutes a day and still feel like I am lean without starving myself. I focus on eating my paleo/whole foods meal plan I always did, but eat it during my 8 hour window. I’ve even had a few cookies and don’t have food guilt.

It’s all about balance, right?

I will keep you posted as I tweak things. I may even try a 6 hour window with a few carb re-feeds to see how it goes.

Let me know what you think and if you’ve tried it.